50/50 raffle yields donations for two special charities

50/50 raffle yields donations for two special charities

[I]In memory of WANADA exec and Open organizer, Ralph Frisbee[/I]

This yearês 50/50 raffle held special significance at the WANADA Open, honoring the memory of one of its own, WANADA executive and longtime Open organizer, Ralph Frisbee, Trish Frisbeeês late husband, who passed away last summer. Ralph was a major catalyst on WANADAês staff who made the Open the grand success it was, year over year, with his considerable tournament expertise and passion for the game.

Raffle tickets brought a total of $1,705. The luck-of-the- draw winner for the other half of the 50/50 was Rusty Rossell, Malloy Ford of Charlottesville, who received $853.

Trish, who was onsite this year as an Open organizer, determined with her sons, Mark and Dan, which charities would benefit. The two charities were: The First Tee of Greater Washington DC, for Ralphês commitment to teaching kids the game of golf, and Montgomery Hospice for its tremendous support of Ralph and his family during his time of need. WANADA rounded up the amount each group would receive to $500.

The First Tee is an international youth development organization introducing golf and its values integrity, respect and perseverance to young people. The groupês mission is to provide young people with educational programs that build character and life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through golf.

Montgomery Hospice is an independent nonprofit organization that has been providing hospice care to people in Montgomery County, MD, since 1981. The group helps seriously ill people in the county and region who have decided to concentrate on living their lives as fully as possible rather than aggressively fighting a disease. Montgomery Hospice professionals also provide bereavement support for families for 13 months after their loved one passes.

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